GREEN BOATING is dedicated to identifying and sharing knowledge which will help the marine industry protect the environment and stimulate sustainable innovations and designs.
The United States announced today its intention of instituting emission control standards for container ships, bulk carriers, and cruise ships in an attempt to mitigate expected environmental impacts from increased maritime shipping in the coming years. The US proposed a 230 mile buffer zone around the nation's coastline in an effort to improve air quality. For more information go to EPA Oceangoing Vessels Emissions Control Area Proposal
These USA EPA Boating Pollution Prevention Tips can help to curb environmental impacts when boating. Please boat responsibly.
Limit engine operation at full throttle. Eliminate unnecessary idling. Avoid spilling gasoline. Use a gasoline container you can handle easily and hold securely. Pour slowly and smoothly. Use a funnel or a spout with an automatic stop device to prevent overfilling the gas tank. Close the vent on portable gas tanks when the engine is not in use or when the tank is stored. Transport and store gasoline out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place. Use caution when pumping gasoline into a container at the gas station. Carefully measure the proper amounts of gasoline and oil when refueling. Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule. Prepare engines properly for winter storage. Buy new, cleaner marine engines.
Hmm...I like that last one, its time to innovate. What are some of your tips?
Clean Carefully
✓Wash your boat frequently with a sponge or nonabrasive pad and plain water. This approach is very effective at removing salt. Additional “elbow-grease” may be required to remove stains.
✓When detergents are necessary, use those that are phosphate-free, biodegradable, and non-toxic. Use soaps and detergents sparingly, because even non-toxic products can be harmful to wildlife. For example, detergents destroy the natural oils on fish gills, limiting their ability to extract dissolved oxygen from the water.
✓Wax your boat, if appropriate. A good coat of wax prevents surface dirt from becoming ingrained.
✓Clean teak with a mild soap and abrasive pads or bronze wool. This method is safe for the environment and better for the boat than the solvents found in standard teak cleaners, which tend to damage both wood
and seam compounds.
✓Avoid detergents that contain ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, chlorinated solvents, petroleum distillates, or lye.
✓Try some of the alternative cleaning products listed on the reverse side of this page.
Maintain Mindfully
✓Collect all paint chips, dust, and residue. Dispose of in trash.
✓Share leftover paint and varnish rather than storing it or throwing it out.
✓Leave empty paint cans open to dry out before disposing of them.
✓Use less toxic propylene glycol antifreeze instead of ethylene glycol.
✓Select a bottom paint developed for the mid-Atlantic region and apply the proper amount. Do not overapply.
Recycle Regularly
✓Recycle used oil, oil filters, and antifreeze.
✓Bring used solvents and waste gasoline to collection points on local hazardous-waste collection days.
✓Ask your marina manager for locations of recycling centers and information about hazardous waste collection days.
Report Suspicious Activities to the Coast Guard! Call: 1-877-24-WATCH Please report illegal activity which may harm the marine environment. Prompt reporting can lead to successful cleanups, fines, and rewards. Oil and gas spills, and toxic cleansers are illegal. Contact the Coast Guard and protect our natural resources.