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    Friday, March 20, 2009

    List of 13 Things to Curb Your Environmental Impact When Boating

    These USA EPA Boating Pollution Prevention Tips can help to curb environmental impacts when boating. Please boat responsibly.

    Limit engine operation at full throttle.
    Eliminate unnecessary idling.
    Avoid spilling gasoline.
    Use a gasoline container you can handle easily and hold securely.
    Pour slowly and smoothly.
    Use a funnel or a spout with an automatic stop device to prevent overfilling the gas tank.
    Close the vent on portable gas tanks when the engine is not in use or when the tank is stored.
    Transport and store gasoline out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry place.
    Use caution when pumping gasoline into a container at the gas station.
    Carefully measure the proper amounts of gasoline and oil when refueling.
    Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule.
    Prepare engines properly for winter storage.
    Buy new, cleaner marine engines.

    Hmm...I like that last one, its time to innovate.
    What are some of your tips?

    For more information go to EPA Pollution Protection Tips


    Anonymous said...

    We can also use a non-copper bottom boat paint, the USCG uses it, Sailboat Captains use it, give it a try. It weighs less than copper- you can get it in bright white, as well as other colors. Oh, and you don't release toxic metal into our waterways...UNCW, WHOI, USCG, USACE, and many, many more have tapped into the green eco-friendly trend...Love your site!

    check it out
    Love t

    Terrence M said...

    Thank you forr this