By Maarten Janssen, SuperYachtTimes.com
GREEN BOATING is dedicated to identifying and sharing knowledge which will help the marine industry protect the environment and stimulate sustainable innovations and designs.
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What is green boating? Is there such a thing as a green boat? To what degree does something have to be beneficial or less harmful to the environment to be considered green? Is a sailboat considered inherently green? Is a hybrid superyacht green? A wooden canoe made from salvaged timber, a kayak made from recycled plastic? Are environmentally preferable boating practices aboard a vessel enough to claim to be an eco-cruise? Is green boating an unattainable goal or a set of principles and actions we take with the best of intentions- 'to do no harm'?
For centuries sailors ascribed to sustainable practices to survive long period of time at sea. Albeit sailors of yore had no mitigation for sewage treatment; they were able to survive for months at a time aboard ships using natural products, and navigating by only wind power, brawn, and intellect. Sailors had to be in tune with ocean currents, atmospheric conditions, and celestial bodies to navigate their way. Modern technology has supplanted much of our understanding and intimate relationship with the sea. As societies ascribe to a new consciousness that recognizes human impact on the environment, boaters are searching for alternative solutions to improve their environmental performance.
Efficiency of systems aboard boats have always been considered to extract the furthest range and power from a vessel. As the clean tech/green tech revolution captures the attention of the marketplace, the marine industry and boat manufacturers have been ahead of the curve. The marine industry has not needed to wait for cues from the government to forge ahead with the clean-tech economy and green innovations. Sailors, boat builders, and manufacturers have for years been pressing the envelope of what is possible in sustainable designs, alternative locomotion, best management practices, and stewardship of our environment.
Most products designed and built for ships have taken sustainability in mind from the first step of the design process long before being 'green' came into fashion. Products for the marine industry had to be rugged, durable, withstand the elements of the sea, and perform reliably. While the marketplace spins out cheap products for our disposable culture, most sailors understand the need for quality products that can last a lifetime.
Many consider it greenwashing to tout environmental benefits of products that are already prerequisites required by regulatory laws. Non-profits were once the only ones who would stand against those making unsubstantiated and or misleading environmental marketing claims. Now governments are increasingly responding to deceptive environmental claims with serious penalties.
Products or companies that use environmental marketing claims in the U.S. are subject to guidelines set by the Federal Trade Commission. Assertions of environmentally preferable traits or attributes may be subject to substantiation, and can create potential liabilities for those making the claims or selling the products. Green claims should provide substantive benefit to the environment, but compared to what, to doing nothing, to alternatives, or substitutes? Where is the balance struck between touting environmentally preferable products or services and just adding to the glut and confusion of the marketplace. Firms must weigh the benefits of environmental marketing with potential liabilities from such claims.
Firms ascribing to such claims may also be held to higher standards of ethical scrutiny and evaluation. Those who make green product claims should be prepared to have all or their business practices and processes examined to determine if they are in line with their environmental policy or marketing claims. Corporate social responsibility is not independent of manufacturing, packaging, or marketing an environmentally preferable product or service. Those who ascribe to higher standards of ethicism on the environmental are often held accountable to ensure all of their business transactions take place in a socially acceptable and environmentally preferable manner.
GREEN BOATING is dedicated to identifying and sharing knowledge which will help the marine industry protect the environment and stimulate sustainable innovations and designs. As we witness the greenwashing in the marketplace and the abuse of the good intentions boaters who wish to curb their impacts, we must be wary of those who seek to make a quick dollar from our good nature.
Have you seen examples of Green Washing in the marine industry?
The first SOLAR SPLASH in 1994 was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and hosted by Marquette University. In 2000 the event moved to New Orleans to drum up interest from more southern teams, and then to Buffalo, New York, from 2001-2005. Solar Splash will be held in Fayetteville, Arkansas on beautiful Lake Fayetteville from 2006-2010.
SOLAR SPLASH is a practical educational experience, which helps to develop teamwork and inter-disciplinary skills. An entry can typically be pulled together in one school year at a cost of about $5,000.
What is GREEN BOATING? When I began the GREEN BOATING venture in 2007 I believed that there were opportunities to begin to address the environmental impacts of the marine industry. Boaters are not just passengers on our waterways but stewards of our marine environment. As those afforded the greatest benefit of these bodies of water that kiss our cheek when our bow casts its spray, we must understand the need to protect the balance of these ecosystems. For many centuries man has thought of the oceans and lakes as vast resources and sinks, where we could submerge our careless actions. As we begin to analyze and understand the data that scientists are observing from our oceans and waterways it is increasingly clear that we must confront our personal behavior and begin to mitigate our impacts if we are to preserve the beauty of our life on the water. There are many actions a boater may take, and products or innovations which can be adopted, but the biggest step one can take is to change the way you think. We must consider the impact each of our intended actions will have and determine if there are ways in which we can mitigate these effects. It is the supreme challenge of our generation, and perhaps our race.
The mission of GREEN BOATING is to create an open source for information on environmentally preferable boating designs, products, and practices for the marine industry. GREEN BOATING is dedicated to identifying and sharing knowledge which will help protect the marine environment.
If you would like to find out more about GREEN BOATING please contact me at info@GREENBOATING.net
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